
Diaspora and Türkiye-Armenia Relations

The problems experienced in relations with Armenia have continued to exist for many years as the most important issue on the agenda of Turkish foreign policy and still continue to do so. Many factors that prevent the normalization of relations between Türkiye and Armenia can be put forward. However, narrowing down the topic in this study, the role of the Armenian opposition and the Armenian diaspora will be examined. The article argues that the Armenian diaspora negatively affected the normalization process in relations, which was intensified both in general and especially in 2022. The qualitative research method was used regarding the subject matter. Document review and interview methods were used as tools to obtain information and data. With in the scope of the interview, Gürsel Demirok, the former Head of the Middle East Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was interviewed. Also an interview realized with former Undersecretary of State Onur Öymen. Both interview was conducted in 2019. Since the interview was conducted in 2019, ethics committee approval was not required. The issue was discussed from the perspective of liberal theory. Theorists of the liberal theory are based on the use of diplomacy and negotiations in solving problems between countries. According to liberals, trying to solve problems through military methods and conflict brings many problems. Solutions in which all parties gain to a certain extent are preferred from the perspective of liberal theory.


İnternational Relations, Türkiye, Armenia, Diaspora, Opposition.
