
Germany: Leader of the New European Security Architecture

With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, one of the most debated issues has been how to ensure European security. This article analyzes Germany's role in the European security architecture, which is expected to emerge after the Ukraine war. In addition, the countries from which Germany can receive assistance in fulfilling this leadership role are also discussed. In this context, the contribution of the UK and Sweden to Germany has been emphasized. The selection of these countries was based on their ability to act strategically and their historical memory. The aim of the study is to explore what kind of structure can ensure European security in the face of the Russian threat. The study mainly focuses on the period after the Ukraine-Russia war. However, in order to provide a holistic perspective on the subject, references to the post-World War II period are also made from time to time. The main argument of the article is that Germany will be the leader of the new European security architecture. Document analysis was used to obtain data on the subject. In this framework, the explanatory/descriptive case method, one of the case study types of qualitative research designs, was used. The subject was tried to be handled within the framework of realism in international relations theory. The scope of the research consists of Russia's attempts to disrupt the balance of power in Europe on the one hand and the efforts of states trying to maintain the balance on the other. This situation led to the conclusion that the most appropriate theoretical approach for the study would be the realist theory. As a result of the research, it is concluded that Germany will be the leader of the new European security architecture for many reasons.


Germany, Europe, Security, Leadership, Architecture
